We are so sorry you had a problem with the way your order of our product was shipped and subsequent leakage. Amazon ships our products directly from their warehouse to you and so you have to go through them to get a product refund or replacement. Please mention how the product was packaged so that they will package things differently in the future to help ensure they are giving the best customer experience. As a FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) seller on Amazon, we are bound by the Amazon return rules as they are the ones sending out the product; we don’t handle shipping or returns for any of our products sold on Amazon.
MopTop stands behind our products 100% and in conjunction with Amazon, we want our customers to have exactly what they ordered and be completely satisfied.
Our products are factory sealed and mechanically tightened to the right specification to avoid leakage, but sometimes if a product is not packaged properly and jostles around too much, there is a chance of leakage.
Again, we are so sorry this happened, please let us know if you have problems getting a replacement.
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